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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People #Stephen R Covey

The Principles established in Stephen R. Covey’s book are supposed to help a person achieve true interdependent "effectiveness". Covey argues this is achieved by aligning oneself to what he calls "true north"—principles of a character ethic that, unlike values, he believes to be universal and timeless. The book presents the principles in four sections.
Paradigms and Principles. Here, Covey introduces the basic foundation for the creation of the habits.
Private Victory. Here, Covey introduces the first three habits intended to take a person from dependence to independence, or one's ability to be self-reliant. You must be able to win your private victories before you can start on your public victories. If you start to win your public victories first, how can you feel good about yourself and still work on habits...
Public Victory. Here, Covey introduces habits four through six which are intended to lead to interdependence, the ability to align one's needs and desires with those of other people and create effective relationships.
Renewal. Here, Covey introduces the final habit which directs the reader to begin a process of self-improvement. 

1. Be Proactive

Principles of Personal Vision

The word proactive means that we are responsible for our own lives.  Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions.  We can subordinate feelings to values.  We have the initiative and the responsibility to make things happen.  Highly proactive people recognize that responsibility.  The do not blame circumstances, conditions, or social conditioning for their behavior.  Their behavior is a product of their own conscious choice, based on values, rather than a product of their conditions, based on feeling.  Proactive people are still influenced by external stimuli but their response, conscious or unconscious, is a value based choice or response.

2. Begin with the end in mind

Principles of Personal Leadership
Begin today with the image, picture, or paradigm of the end of your life as your frame of reference of the criterion by which everything else is examined.  Each part of your life—today’s behavior, tomorrow’s behavior, next week’s behavior, next month’s behavior—can be examined in the context of the whole, of what really matters most to you.  By keeping that end clearly in mind, you can make certain that whatever you do on any particular day does not violate the criteria you have defined as supremely important, and that each day of your life contributes in a meaningful way to the vision you have of your life as a whole.  To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination.  It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.  

3. Put first thing first

Principles of Personal Management
Habit 1 says that you are the programmer.  Habit 2 says to write the program.  Habit 3 says to run the program.  Living it is primarily a function of our independent will, our self-discipline, our integrity, and commitment—not to short-term goals and schedules or to the impulse of the moment, but to the correct principles and our own deepest values, which give meaning and context to our goals, our schedules, and our lives. Organize and execute around priorities. 

4. Think win-win

Principles of Interpersonal Leadership
Win/Win is a frame of mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions.  Win/Win means that agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial, mutually satisfying.  With a Win/Win solution all parties feel good about the decision and feel committed to the action plan.  Win/Win is a belief in a Third Alternative.  It’s not your way or my way; it’s a better way.  And if a solution can’t be found to benefit both parties they agree to disagree agreeably—No Deal.    Anything less than Win/Win in and interdependent reality is a poor second best that will have impact in the long-term relationship.  The cost of that impact needs to be carefully considered.  If you can’t reach a true Win/Win, you’re very often better off to go for No Deal.  

5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Principles of Empathic Communication
Listening with the intent to understand is called empathic listening.  Empathic listening gets inside another person’s frame of reference.  You look out through it, you see the world the way they see the world, you understand their paradigm, you understand how they feel.  Empathy is not sympathy.  Empathic listening involves much more than registering, reflecting, or even understanding the words that are said.  You aren’t just listening with your ears, but also with you eyes and your heart.  Empathic listening is so powerful because it gives you accurate data to work with.  When you present your own ideas be clear, specific, visual, and most important, contextual—in the context of a deep understanding of the other person’s paradigms and concerns.  You will significantly increase the credibility of your ideas.  What you’re presenting may even be different form what you had originally thought because in you effort to understand, you learned.
6. Synergize
Principles of Creative Cooperation
Synergy is the essence of principle-centered leadership.  It catalyzes, unifies, and unleashes the greatest power within people.  Simply defined, it meant that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  Without doubt, you have to leave the comfort zone of base camp and confront an entirely new and unknown wilderness.  You become a trailblazer, a pathfinder.  You open new possibilities, new territories, new continents, so that others can follow.  The essence of synergy is to value differences—to respect them, to build on strengths, to compensate for weaknesses.
7. Sharpen the saw
Principles of Creative Cooperation
Synergy is the essence of principle-centered leadership.  It catalyzes, unifies, and unleashes the greatest power within people.  Simply defined, it meant that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  Without doubt, you have to leave the comfort zone of base camp and confront an entirely new and unknown wilderness.  You become a trailblazer, a pathfinder.  You open new possibilities, new territories, new continents, so that others can follow.  The essence of synergy is to value differences—to respect them, to build on strengths, to compensate for weaknesses.

  1. Stephen R Convey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
  2. Alison Begley, University of Cincinnati, Ohio

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Janji Pagi

Mulai Pagi ini,
dengan rencana yang tidak kulaksanakan,
dengan janji yang tidak kupenuhi,
dengan kewajiban yang kulalaikan, dan
dengan larangan yang yang kulanggar.
Ya Allah....Rahmatilah kesungguhanku ini. Amin

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Yuk...ber-Positif Thinking

Hidup itu susah bagi orang yang selalu berpikiran / menjalani hidup dengan susah. Hidup itu senang bagi orang yang selalu menghadapi hidup dengan senyuman. Hidup itu berat bagi orang yang tidak percaya diri dengan apa yang sedang mereka jalani di kehidupannya.

Saat ini banyak sekali orang-orang yang terlantar di dalam kehidupannya. Padahal sebuah pepatah "Life is struggle" hidup itu untuk berjuang. Tapi banyak orang berjuang hanya untuk kepentingan dirinya sendiri saja di zaman sekarang. Banyak orang yang berjuang mengelabui dan merugikan banyak orang. 

Tentunya dari sebuah kehidupan, kita membutuhkan adanya suatu perubahan diri dalam hidup kita. Tanpa ada perubahan diri lebih baik orang tersebut mati.

Menurut psikolog sekaligus penulis buku psiklogi komunikasi Prof. Dr. Jalaludin Rahmat, pikiran seseorang itu ajaib karena karena dapat mengubah kehidupan. Ia dapat mengubah kebahagiaan menjadi kesedihan, begitu juga sebaliknya, kesedihan dapat diubah menjadi kebahagaiaan, semua bergantung pada apa yang seseorang pikirkan. 

Hidup ini dikendalikan oleh pikiran. Senang atau sedih itu sudah menjadi sebuah pilihan. Kita bisa memilih bahagia kalau kita berpikir positif, sebaliknya kalau kita sedih, itu karena diri kita sendiri memilih untuk sedih. Dengan berpikir positif, setiap orang bisa melahirkan sikap optimis. Sikap inilah yang dibutuhkan dalam menghadapi berbagai tantangan hidup. Bahkan stres sekalipun bisa berakibat baik jika kita mampu mengelolanya dengan cara positif. 

Banyak orang beranggapan bahwa berpikir positif itu sulit, terlebih ditengah himpitan beban hidup yang semakin meningkat. Padahal, berpikir positif itu bisa dilatih. Bagaimana cara melatihnya?

Pertama, mulailah dari hal kecil setiap pagi hari, seperti tersenyum saat melihat matahari terbit dan berkata, "Terima kasih Tuhan atas hidup yang masih Kau beri". Konon, cara simpel ini memiliki pengaruh besar dalam menimbulkan sikap positif seseorang pada hari itu.     

Kedua, dengan meningkatkan selera humor. Bisa dengan menonton film komedi atau bergaul dengan orang yang humoris. Menurut sebuah penelitian, orang yang memiliki selera humor yang tinggi jauh lebih bahagia.

Sebuah kehidupan akan berguna jika kita melakukan sesuatu yang berguna bagi banyak orang. Hidup butuh proses, dan hasil dari proses tersebut adalah sebuah kebahagiaan. Alangkah indahnya jika sebuah kehidupan selalu dibumbui dengan suatu kebahagiaan tidak hanya di dunia akan tetapi di akhirat kelak. 

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(Fun English) Being Young

Language Focus   : Writing, speaking and listening

Level                   : Intermediate 
Time                    : 10 minutes
Materials             : Whiteboard and marker
Aim                     : Students practice how to give an opinion something and using descriptive adjective

  • Write on the board : "Being young is ................" 
  • Ask the students to call out what they think could be added to this sentence.
  • if there is a time, ask the students to work with a neighbor.
  • Collect their sentences in order.
  • It might be like this:
  1. "Being young is wonderful."
  2. "Being young is amazing."
  3. "Being young is being with friends."
  4. "Being young is unbelievable."
  5. "Being young is fun."
  6. "Being young is fantastic."
  7. "Being young is..........................."
  • The following sentences that be used as sentence starters:
  1. Being old is......
  2. Being famous is..............
  3. Being rich is............
  4. Being smart is.........
  5. Being slim is........
  6. love is........
  7. Indonesia is..........
  8. English is...........
  9. Back street is.........
  10. Without you.........
  11. Living abroad is............
Dictate the beginning of a sentence. Each student write it down and then finishes it as they wish.

Source: Fun English Games & Activity for You

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Si Bapak dan Si Bawang Putih

Tepat pukul 18.58 WIB suara adzan telah berkumandang di masjid dekat rumahku, sejenak obrolanku dengan kakekku terhenti untuk melaksanakan salah satu perintah Allah yaitu menunaikan ibadah shalat isya.
Aku segera berwudhu dan bergegas menuju masjid yang tak jauh (±50m) dari kediamanku. Selaku seorang muslim, aku tak mau ketinggalan buat menunaikan ibadah shalat berjamaah. Shalat berjamaah di masjid buat seorang laki-laki lebih utama daripada shalat sendirian dirumah. Sesuai dengan hadits Rasulullah SAW berikut ini:
Dari Abdullah bin Umar ra. Bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Shalatlah berjamaah lebih utama dari shalat sendirian dengan 27 derajat.” (HR. Muttafaq ‘alaihi).
Tak lama aku sampai di masjid iqamah pun dikumandangkan…..
Kebetulan imam di masjid dekat rumahku itu adalah kakekku sendiri. Alhamdulillah aku kebagian di shaf pertama. Begitu takbir dikumandangkan oleh sang imam Allahuakbar…. Seorang bapak-bapak berada di samping kananku itu bersendawa dengan kencang. Awalnya aku tak merasa terganggu sama hal itu. Tapi lama-kelamaan si bapak itu bersendawa secara berlebihan dengan mengeluarkan aroma bawang putih yang sangat tidak sedap tercium oleh indra penciumanku. Sampai rakaat terakhir aroma itu masih tercium (lebay sih tapi emang itu faktanya…).
Aroma tak sedap dari sendawa si bapak itu sangat mengganggu shalatku dan memancingku buat muntah (Alhamdulillah masih bisa ditahan). Aku tak habis pikir sama bapak itu, apa iya dia tidak tau dengan sendawanya itu sangat mengangguku?rasa-rasanya sih dia gak tau hehe
Aku pernah membaca sebuah hadits dalam Shahih Bukhari dan Muslim dari Jabir bin Abdillah, dari Nabi Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam beliau bersabda:
Barangsiapa yang makan bawang putih, bawang merah dan bawang bakung, maka janganlah dia mendekati masjid kami. Sebab sesungguhnya para malaikat terganggu sebgaimana manusia terganggu darinya”.
Sudah jelas dari hadits diatas bahwa seorang muslim harus membersihkan mulutnya dari bau yang tidak enak ketika hendak mendatangi masjid.
Mungkin hal ini sepele tapi kebanyakan sebagian orang tidak mengindahkannya (mungkin termasuk si bapak itu hehe…). Mudah-mudahan hal ini tidak akan terulang kembali. Dan semoga hal ini mengingatkan kembali buat diri kita semua (khususnya si penulis) akan adab selama berada di masjid.

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Your Past Doesn't Equal Your Future

Masa lalu anda tidak sama dengan masa depan anda, benarkah demikian?
Terkadang orang bilang yang lalu biarlah berlalu. Masa lalu sebagai akhir penutup buku yang lama. Tapi ada juga yang bilang masa depan ada di masa lalu, bingung kan?apakah masa lalu sebagai cerminan di masa depan kita?
Masa lalu adalah sebuah perubahan di masa depan. Masa lalu memberikan hikmah di setiap kejadian, entah yang menyenangkan ataupun menyedihkan.
Awalnya, buat saya yang namanya masa lalu itu tidak usah dibahas lagi. Saya hanya cukup menyimpan masa lalu itu rapat-rapat tanpa memperdulikannya lagi. But.....
I change my mind,
Bahwasanya masa lalu itu dibutuhkan sebatas cerminan saja. Dan juga kita tidak bisa melupakan masa lalu itu dengan begitu saja. Sewaktu-waktu masa lalu bisa kita butuhkan sebagai langkah menuju ke depan yang lebih cemerlang. Meskipun semua yang terjadi di masa lalu tentu belum bisa menentukan buat masa depan kita. Mudah-mudahan setiap perubahan bisa mencapai perbaikan pada hidup kita. Amin

"Your Future is in your hand" and "Man proposes God disposess"

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There are two kinds of clauses: principal (or main) clauses, and subordinate (or dependent) clauses.

Principal Clauses
A group of words which includes a subject and a finite verb and makes a complete statement.
Examples: I am a man.
                    The house stands on the hill.
                    When I come home, I will let the cat in.
The following are not principal clause because they do not make a complete statement which can stand by itself:
Which is a problem
That the house is standing on the hill
When I come home
The house which stands on the hill

Subordinate Clause
A group of words which includes a finite or non-finite verb but does not make a statement which stands by itself.
Examples: As soon as the Green Knight entered the room all were astounded.
                   He said that the Green Knight was really orange
                  The house, which stands on the hill, is empty.

Subordinate clauses can be classified according to their function:
Adverbial Clause
Example: As soon as the Green Knight entered the room, all were astounded.
In this sentence the clause fulfills the same function as an adverb such as immediately in the sentence immediately all were astounded.

Noun Clause
Example:     He said that the Green Knight was really orange
The clause fulfills the same function as a noun such as the words in He said the words.

Relative Clause
Example: The house, which stands on the hill, is empty.
Relative clauses are adjectival in nature. The clause fulfills the same role as an adjective such as high-placed in the sentence The high-placed house is empty.

The clauses can also be classified by whether they contain a finite verb.
Finite Clause
A finite clause contains a finite verb and, usually, a subject. It can be a principal clause or subordinate clause.
Examples:   They say nice things about you. (principal clause)
                   When they say nice things about you they are not lying. (subordinate clause)

Non-finite Clause
A non-finite clause contains a non-finite verb but does not contain finite verb and cannot stand alone. A non-finite clause cannot be a principal clause. Non-finite verbs include participles and infinitives.
Examples:     Singing and dancing, he moved slowly up the aisle.
                    He gave me an invitation to bring you to the party.
                     Having eaten all the cakes, he began to consume the biscuits.
                    Filled with joy, he let the room.

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Parts of A Word
A word can be divided into its STEM (the basic part of the word containing the meaning) and its INFLECTIONS (the endings added to indicate such things as that a noun is PLURAL or a verb is in the pas).
Stem                                      : dog
Inflections                              : s in dogs
                                               ed in walked

Part of A Sentence
The subject is the person, thing or topic which the sentence deals with. To discover the subject, as who or what before the verb, e.g. in the sentence The house stands on the hill, what stands on the hill? Answer: the house.
Examples:     The house stands on the hill
                     It overlooks the plain

The predicate is all of the sentence except the subject.
Examples:       The house stands on the hill
                      It overlooks the plain

The object is the person, thing or topic upon which the subject carries out the action of the verb. To discover the object, ask who or what  after the verb, e.g. the house overlooks what? Answer: the plain.
Examples:      The house overlooks the plain
                     I see him clearly
                     He watches himself carefully

Sometimes we apparently have two objects. Where one of these can alternatively be expressed by placing to before it, it is called the indirect object. For example, instead of He gave me the book we can say He gave the book for me. Here the book is the direct object and me the indirect object.

After the verb to be there is no object since the noun which follows refers to the same thing as that which precedes the verb (the subject). The noun following the verb to be is called the complement.
Examples:       I am a man
                      This is the question  

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My Heart

My heart is gone on the way
I lost my way
I’m in a blue
I’m into blue
I’m brown study anything
I feel lonely
I feel I’m not to live anymore
I feel if I haven’t my hope anymore
My heart……
Where are you?

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(Games) Passive Voice

Language Focus                     : Passive Voice
Level                                     : Advanced
Time                                      : 15 minutes
Materials                                : Pictures
Aim                                        : Students will write sentences using passive voice

  • Choose a picture that displays some activities. A funny or a strange picture works well.
  • Be sure that the students will be able to generate some passive sentences about the picture you have chosen.
  • Have students write a specific number of sentences in the passive and active based on the picture.
  • Tell them not to limit themselves to what they see in the picture.
  • Encourage them to stretch their imagination and creative.
  • Give them some help to get started. For example: 
(The teacher shows a picture of a couple eating in expensive restaurant near the beach).
Last night I was in a restaurant with my girlfriend. When the food was being served, someone called me. I was very nervous because I was called by my first girlfriend. I pretended not to be nervous but ......
 (the students can continue the sentences).
  • Ask the students to write on a piece of paper and the collect the students' sentences. After that read the sentences in front of the class.
Before you correct them all, arrange the students in small groups and have them to correct the sentences.

May it will be useful for you :)

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(Learning English) Be An Actor

As teachers we are always looking for ways to improve our classes and motivate our students. Yet, teaching conditions may not be as ideal as we would like them to be. Sometime we get too many students, often they different proficiency level, sometimes both problems arise in the same class. This was my situation.
Learning a language cannot be divorced from culture learning. Yet, in a foreign language-teaching situation, this can be quite difficult, since culture includes aspects such as “ how (native speakers) hold their bodies, how far they stand apart, where they look when they talk, how men shake their hands with each other, how children talk to their parents, and so on”. In addition, culture involves issues such as how anxiety or excitement are expressed, or how culturally accepted intonation is used to deliver humor or anger. These aspects of language are very subtle for learners to grasp, let alone learn to use. Moreover, they are not commonly addressed in regular conversation courses.
Drama is a way of bringing the issues above naturally into the language classroom. It also allows for making linguistic and cultural analyses of characters where participants use English in meaningful contexts. As learners rehearse, they engage in a process that includes the establishment of characters’ personalities, motivates and persona, creating a genuine purpose for communication. In other words, drama provides a reason to use language. Finally, it brings motivation and fun to the classroom. No matter how threatened students feel with the prospect of presenting a play, everyone will enjoy acting, since we all wish for glory and fame. Being an actor, even through a classroom performance, has a difficult to resist seductive power that the less proficient students accept as a challenge.
Writers such as Maley and Duff, (1978) and Wessels, (1987) have pointed to the values and uses of drama:
Drama can help the teacher to achieve ‘reality’ in several ways. It can overcome the students’ resistance to learning the new language:
·         By the making the learning of the new language an enjoyable experience
·         By setting realistic targets for the students to aim for
·         By creative slowing down of real experience
·         By linking the language-learning experience with the student’s own experience of life
And drama can create in students a need to learn the language:
·         By the use of “creative tension” (situations requiring urgent solutions)
·         By putting more responsibility on the learner, as opposed to the teacher.
Drama provides cultural and language enrichment by revealing insights into the target culture and presenting language contexts that make items memorable by placing them in a realistic social and physical contexts.
By allowing reading and the adding of some characterization to a drama, learners became personally and fully involved in the learning process, in a context in which it is possible for learners to feel less self-conscious and more empowered to express themselves through the multiple voices of differing characters.
Language comes alive through drama in an oral skills development class. Speaking is not only about words and structure and pronunciation, but feelings, motivations and meanings. In other words, language brings along culture. Drama in a conversation classroom makes room for those issues emerge. 

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